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CARNet Week at the Faculty of Food Processing and Biotechnology

See also:

CN: Second Meeting of the Council of CARNet Users (16 October 1998, Croatian language only)

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The first so-called CARNet Week (CN1) was held from 15 to 22 October 1998 at the Faculty of Food Processing and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb. Through this project, the Croatian Academic Research Network, CARNet, wishes to stimulate students, professors and other staff of its member institutions to make good use of the services and possibilities offered by CARNet and the Internet. As its first phase is aimed at Croatian universities, the project was started at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering and the Faculty of Food Processing and Biotechnology, targeting lecturers and students alike.

During the CARNet Week a "Live Helpdesk" is set up at the host institution, at which students and professors may open their own user accounts, receive help with their first steps on the Internet, and be informed of existing possibilities for accessing the Internet from their own institution.

The project includes the following one-hour presentations:

  • A Fantastic Morning - on the phenomenon of the Internet and about CARNet
  • Dial M for... - talking about information services and user support on the Internet
  • The Mysterious Boy - informing about CARNet projects
  • Internet Express - a brief voyage through the Internet
  • A View through the Window - discussing how the Internet changes the educational system

During the week daily mini-courses on the use of e-mail are held in the computer rooms of the faculties. Participants sending an e-mail message to majica@CARNet.hr, and thus proving their basic ability to use the Internet, receive a T-shirt and a student's grade book cover of the project. Also, a round-table discussion is organized on topics concerning the changes Internet brings to everyday professional and private lives.

The following CARNet Week will be held at the Faculty of Political Sciences on 16 to 20 November. Institutions interested in hosting an event within this CARNet project should contact szc@carnet.hr for further information.