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CARNet Web Pages Redesigned

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CARNet Annual Survey Results Published (24 April, 1998)

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On 2 June 1998, redesigned CARNet Web pages were presented to the public. In addition to a graphical new look, the Web pages boast significant improvements to the content they offer. New content has been added and the amount of information available to the visitor was significantly increased.

The launch of CARNet's redesigned Web pages was met with great interest by Croatian Internauts. In only two days, the number of visitors to the Web site has more than doubled (from some 12.000 hits on Monday, 1 June 1998, to about 30.000 hits on Wednesday, 2 June 1998, not counting access from the carnet.hr and srce.hr domains).

Dubravko Penezic, CARNet Webmaster:

The redesigned CARNet Web pages abounds with improvements. In my opinion, the most significant news is the implementation of the "ISO-8859-2 recommendation" in the representation of Croatian graphemes. All of the Web pages on the server, some 400 of them, adhere to this recommendation.

The CARNet Web can be accessed through http://www.carnet.hr, while any suggestions and comments may be directed to webmaster@carnet.hr.