Multimedia Electronic Mail - Status of Development
Dejan Domjanoviæ
Department of Planing & Research,
Croatian Academic and Research Network
J. Marohniæa bb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 6129999/584
(CARNet na MIPRO '98)
Abstract - Electronic mail, as very popular electronic medium,
is the most common way of communication. Multimedia gives us possibility to extend
the way of expressing our thoughts. But there are several problems and
disadvantages of multimedia electronic messages. This papers will try to
examine do we really need multimedia mail and does it offer as much as it
Electronic messages that people may exchange via computers are of various types.
They can be composed of text only (plain or rich), voice only, voice and video
only, or be any combination of these media types. The term multimedia electronic
message is usually reserved to describe a message that contains either a voice
or a moving picture combined with text, graphics, or an image.
In this papers electronic multimedia mail is divided into four basic types,
according to [1]: electronic audio-mail, electronic video-mail, electronic
compound-mail and multimedia mail.
The purpose of this paper is to describe different types of multimedia electronic
mail, their advantages and disadvantages, requirements, current status of
development and their prospects.
In electronic audio-mail exchanged message is consisted of digitized speech.
Message can be entered to the system by telephone or by desktop computer.
Workstation used for sending and receiving audio mail must be equipped with
microphone, speakers or headphones, and with appropriate sound card (A/D and
D/A converter).
Major disadvantage of electronic voice-mail comparing with
ordinary text mail is large consumption of memory space. Voice message can
consume up to 500 times more memory than equivalent text message (even when
compressed). Electronic mail, as very popular electronic medium, is the most
common way of communication. Since an ordinary user daily receives and sends
relatively large amount of messages, and has a need for archiving them,
above mentioned memory consuming becomes real problem, as for the users
desktop computer, as for the network.

Fig. 1 Comparison of storage requirements of voice (uncompressed) and
text messages
Today almost every e-mail client is capable of sending audio-mail, and some
of them offer possibility of creating of voice message inside of them. It
is very easy thanks to MIME protocol. Despite the fact that every ordinary
e-mail client can easily handle voice messages, electronic audio-mail is
not widely used. Most of the workstations used today are not equipped with
at least one part of requirement. But major reason for low usage of
electronic audio-mail is not the lack of equipment, but the fact that
the process of generating the voice-mail is time consuming and usually
explicitly user-unfriendly.
Electronic video-mail is analogous to voice-mail, except that the messages
include video sequences. There are two basic modes for using video-mail.
First mode is video message composed spontaneously by the sender, where
the user, instead of composing a text-mail, generates a short audio-visual
message. The major objective is to add new dimension to the message. Second
mode is video message generated after unsuccessful videophone call. The
difference with first mode is that the user had no initial intention of
sending a video message.

Fig. 2 Comparison of storage requirements of voice and video
Workstation for sending and receiving video-mail must
be equipped with microphone, speakers or headphones, TV camera, a
video capture device or board and multimedia-user agent software.
As with the audio-mail, the major problem is large consumption of memory space.
Memory consumption differs according to quality of video sequence, and
can be few times larger than the adequate audio message.
Sending and receiving of video messages is, like for audio messages,
supported by Internet MIME protocol, where the earlier prepared
video sequence is added as attachment to standard e-mail message.
There are few products developed especially for composing video-mail
messages but none of them succeeded as widely used commercial product.
Most of it never left the laboratories where it was developed. Next
problem is, again, user-unfriendly interface, non-intuitive and low
quality of video (considering reasonable memory consumption).
Inadequately equipped workstations are even bigger problem than
for audio-mail, because the workstation dedicated for handling electronic
video-mail requires everything needed for electronic audio-mail plus
TV-camera and video-capture device.
An electronic compound message mixes text with graphics
and images. In other words, a compound message is a mixture of any types
except audio and video. Such message does not require special devices for
its presentation to receiver and remains printable.
According to [1] electronic compound mail cannot be considered as
multimedia-mail because it does not include voice and video, but
it is necessary to mention it with other types of multimedia mail
because it extends simple text-message with additional information
necessary for understanding the it. Attachments included in compound-mail
can be made during the process of composing the message (hand-written text,
sketches or drawings) or prepared before the process of actual composing
the message (images and graphics).
We use the term multimedia-mail for the exchange of messages composed
of text (plain or rich), pictures or graphics, supplemented with motion
video, audio or computer animation. Multimedia-mail message cannot be
printed without losing the part of its information.
Workstation used for generating the multimedia message must be equipped
with audio or video A/D device and software or hardware module for compression,
at least for video, but is also recommended for audio signal.
As before mentioned types of multimedia electronic mail, multimedia mail
also has large memory requirements. Like mentioned before, storage of one
minute of digitized speech (uncompressed) require near 500 Kbytes of memory
space, while one minute video sequence in near VCR quality, even when the
compression techniques are used, occupies around 10 MB of memory. If we have
that on mind, video and audio sequences, as the part of multimedia message,
must be extremely short. Possibility of storage of such messages is inadequately
low, and far from ordinary user requirements. After the message is replayed
it must be erased, and since there is no way of printing it, multimedia
message is not applicable for the user. The only serviceable usage of
multimedia mail is as the additional service for videophony, when we
cannot reach the other party, and we want to leave the short message to
recipient about our unsuccessful call, like we do on the phone answering
Almost every mail user agent used today is capable of sending and
receiving multimedia mail, thanks to widely used Internet MIME standard.
Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) redefines the format of
messages to allow for extensible set of different formats for non-textual
message bodies and multi-part message bodies as described in [2] and [3].
Usage of multimedia electronic mail today, unfortunately, is not much
different than it was two years ago, when after big explosion everything
has suddenly stopped. The truth is that users have no much use of all
aspects of multimedia electronic mail, so interest in development of
multimedia mail applications is low. Another big disturbance is caused
by the fact that most of desktop devices in use today are missing at
least one component required for composing and presenting multimedia
electronic message. Memory requirements and user unfriendliness are
much greater than advantages of such messages. Today, when all conditions
for development of multimedia services are fulfilled (fast computers,
large amounts of memory, bigger network capacity), all efforts are
aimed to development of direct communication over network
(video-conferencing, Internet telephony) and streaming applications,
where the multimedia electronic multimedia mail can represent just
additional service if direct communication fails. Only the electronic
compound-mail has the bright future as the stand-alone form of
electronic mail, and it is already widely used.
- F. Fluckiger, Understanding Networked Multimedia, Applications
and Technology, Prentice Hall, 1995.
- N. Freed, N. Borenstein, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME), Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies, 1996, RFC 2045
- N. Freed, N. Borenstein, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME), Part Two: Media Types, 1996, RFC 2046